Tuesday, April 15, 2008

828 Beach Resort

Summer time is fun time. It is our moment to get rid of the restless days and nights spend in the office and have ourselves a treat to tranquilize, enjoy and get acquainted.

This time Mark David goes outing and headed to the South of Cebu in 828 Beach Resort at Matutinao, Badian. It's a private resort with 3 storied house, swimming pool and a beach - perfect for a delightful vacation.

The memories:

Ready, Get Set, Go...........

At the resort:

Pool Area:

Outdoor House

Indoor House:

At the Beach:

Main Entrance:

We all have fun....and was fully re-charged and ready to take the challenges on the next day at the office that awaits us.


Bevz said...

Ei ronian! ~.^ awesome pics.. ^^,
can i ask heLp with sUmthin?? coz wer eyeing for badian this sUmmer and i think 828 iS such a coOL pLace to sTay.. cAn u pLs give meh the pLace's cOntact no.?? id really appreciate iT! thX sOo mUch~!! ^__^

Ronian said...

Hello!!!thanks for visiting my page...sorry but I don't have the contact number for now. I will research and post it here soon.